Current Projects
SnailTrail 2
thesis, ST2 code, st2-lite codeST2 is my Master's thesis project, created at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Vasiliki Kalavri, Prof. Alfons Kemper, and Prof. Timothy Roscoe. It monitors and analyzes distributed dataflows (e.g. stream processors) while they're running. To that end, it visualizes worker dependencies, computes metrics, runs graph patterns, and checks invariants on real-time execution traces.
3DF & clj-3DF *
3DF code, clj-3DF code3DF is an incrementalized relational query engine built on differential dataflow. clj-3DF is its Clojure adapter.
Past Projects
kplex is a tool we built at Clockworks, which allows you to adapt Kafka to new consumer requirements automatically by decoupling logical and physical partitioning.
LoView (2019)
slidesLoView exposes major data leaks in popular dating applications. It can be used for precise user location trilateration, to generate behavioral heatmaps, and much more. Together with BR Data, we published the results.
kondens (2017), public codekondens explores tools for thought that augment human ability to systematically communicate and solve complex problems.